Many adults no longer have a natural metronome to mark time skipping by. For example, no formal undergrad, grad or vocational school programs, no children still in grade school. Nothing to keep check of the passage of time. In those cases, milestones like our own birthdays play a vital role. Each “tick, tock” registers 365 days of living.
Dad and the Young Lads, © 2014, Abe Pachikara (Click for larger images)
Without birthdays, decades could sneak by without us taking note, or worse, allow us to play along with the lie that time has not passed under our noses. So today I look back and measure the year. As always, it has been a rich one on so many fronts, and a grand test on others.
Start with carbs, & eat dessert first. Said another way, focus on experiences that are non-trivial, that you can only get enjoy and accomplish “now”.
Use Occam’s Razor in interpersonal relations. Look for the simplest, most straightforward explanation that assumes the best of everybody.
Kids know their heroes, do you know yours? Learn from the people you admire the most, work for them, follow them.
Sometimes good health is only noticed when it is missing. My dad, who is has the healthy regiment of a young British soldier, fractured his ankle at a recent wedding. Arguably, it was his unwavering schedule of walks and meditations that helped him avoid a more serious injury. Yet seeing him in the following weeks made me VERY aware of how healthy he normally is. How did I miss this otherwise?
Oh and count your blessings. Take stock of every one of your talents, treasures and all the time given to you (so far). I am amazed at how many times when people pray with our boys, and are asked to cite just 3 things to say thanks for, it is a royal struggle. Three blessings? You know it is a God full of unconditional love who can look down and smile on this, instead of fuming.
- Pop Exercise: Take out a sheet of paper, write “Thank you for…” and see how many items you can list in one shot. Repeat in a week. Do it for a year. Now compare today’s sheet and next year’s. You will be amazed how much more nuanced and aware you have become.