Hi Folks,
I have heard that ocean waves come in sets of 7. Whether true or not, I think some years of our lives are certainly bigger than others. 2016 was one of them.
3 quotes have been floating around in my head in looking at the year:
The intersection of images from day to day life, and commentary of things that we sometimes learn along the way.
Hi Folks,
I have heard that ocean waves come in sets of 7. Whether true or not, I think some years of our lives are certainly bigger than others. 2016 was one of them.
3 quotes have been floating around in my head in looking at the year:
Hi Folks!
My journey into the world of T-cell lymphoma enters the next leg…
First off are the thank you's for your full-court press against the invading malignancy to…
Hi Folks,
Here's another check-in about my "Unintended Journey." Today, Thursday 10/13, is the 6th and possibly final full blown infusion of chemo (C.H.O.P.) and trial drug.
Thank you's are the important place to start…
Hi Folks,
Here's another check-in about my "Unintended Journey." Today, Thursday 9/22, is the 5th full blown infusion of chemo (C.H.O.P.) and trial drug.
Thank you's are the important place to start… (it's easy to assume the good things in life, no?)
Mom and Dad had been at my place for a total of 40 days during my lymphoma treatment, which provided a peerless opportunity for Paul at 14 to spend time with them. Daily walks around the neighborhood. Meals. Conversations sitting around the back porch. Errands to the grocery store. Everyday tasks can be the best.
Here's another check-in about my "Unintended Journey." Today, Friday, was the 4th full blown infusion of chemo (C.H.O.P.) and trial drug.
Thank you's are the important place to start…
Hi Folks,
Here's another check-in about the "Unintended Journey" I am on, as today is the 3rd full blown infusion of chemo and trial drug.
Thank you's are again in order to so very many people…
Hi Folks,
Here's a check in about the "Unintended Journey" as I have called this sojourn into the world of cancer. (Another, perhaps more fitting name is "The Deforestation" as I do think disruptive events make one remove at least some of the clutter in our life and our views.)
Hi Folks,
Looking back at the days coming up to and including my first infusion, I have focused deeply on the tactical (logistics of wrapping up work, thinking thru the impact of finances, etc.) not the intergalactic (cancer, perhaps?). There was just too much to do for the distraction of fear right now; as a single dad, my boys in particular were my greater concern. Clarifying and prepping for treatment was the best course of action.
[ Below is the email I sent out to my extended team of colleagues at work before going on medical leave of absence. After reflecting on my son Sidd’s comment below, I decided the notion of “deforestation” is one I like when thinking of the journey I was about to make. For me, it conveyed that I should notice what in my life is not needed, what is distracting, versus what is important and central to happiness and success. Time will tell how well I apply these lessons. ]
Hi Team,
As you will come to learn I am taking a medical leave of absence, and I would rather not have you waste cycles speculating what and why, as that is distracting, in my opinion.