Monday, November 25, 2019

Adventure #2, as of Nov 25

Hi Folks,

Quick update from the week of activity from Nov 17-25 on this adventure back into PTCL-NOS.

Quote I Keep in Mind:

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."
Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Adventure #2, as of Nov 17

Hi Folks,

A few developments to share about my adventure.

First of all, I had meant to include Rekha Thomas and Peter Blossey, who live in Seattle and whom I have known for a long time. Rekha is a professor in the Department of Mathematics, and Peter is a researcher in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences.

Second, status:

Thu, Nov 11, Seattle Cancer Care Alliance
This past Thursday, I met with my original oncologist, Dr. Andrei Shustov. This only after the Kaiser oncologist gave a referral. From what I can tell, the two oncologists have a long, unproductive history with each other.