Sunday, September 23, 2012

There’s Nothing Like Grass, Sunshine, & Whispy Clouds

How history repeats itself!  This time, in Yakima, WA where we joined friends to pick apples and taste wine.

The late afternoon found us parked on a lawn and the youngsters magically took up the very tradition I suddenly recalled vividly from grade school.

That is: meandering conversations while staring up at clouds trundling lazily across the sky, the cool sensation of grass underneath, the dull warmth of the sun above.

What made this possible?  Manitoba-style summers - - 75 degrees Fahrenheit, low humidity, big sky, pure sunshine.  Simply change the location, to eastern Washington.


Enjoying the Sunshine 
© 2012, Abe Pachikara (Click for larger images)


Joel Orbits the Conversation in the Middle 
© 2012, Abe Pachikara (Click for larger images)

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